How do I get books from the Library? How Do I get Reserve Books?

For Reserve Books: Books that you can borrow for a short term of time

Physical Reserve books are available to borrow at the Circulation Desk.  Students will need to search for item Call Number via OneSearch and present the information to a library team member at the Circulation Desk. 

Instructions for using OneSearch are at the bottom of the page.

Reserve books are generally available for three (3) hour loan with select materials available for 3-day loan.  Students are recommended to specify to library team member when presenting 3-day loan call numbers. 

For information on learning to  how to use OneSearch see:

How do I Find and Use OneSearch?


How do I get books from the Library?

Users can browse the stack collection during library opening hours.  Materials can be found in the stack collection by Call Numbers.  Users can also use the reservation system to request library staff member retrieve the item on their behalf using this this link.


The BCC Campus Bookstore is not a part of the library. For the BCC Campus Bookstore see this link: BCC Campus Bookstore- Textbooks  for Purchase and Rentals- Locate your Course Materials-  


For more information regarding E-Reserves (Selected Chapters of Textbooks) CLICK HERE.

For Hour See: Is the Library Open?



  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2024
  • Views 201
  • Answered By J. Sanabria

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