How do I renew books?



  1. Go to OneSearch (Library Catalog)
  2. Click Menu > My Account.
  3. Sign in with your CUNYFirst credentials.
  4. Select loans from your preferred CUNY library.
  5. Choose Renew All or renew individual loans.
  6. Renewals are immediate and new due dates are issued.

In Person:

  1. Visit the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor. 
  2. Show your valid CUNY ID and the book(s) you want to renew.
  3. Staff will assist you with renewing your materials.
Note: Loans marked NOT RENEWABLE cannot be renewed online or in person.

Four renewals  are allowed for regular loan books. The renewal period is 8 weeks.  Assuming no recalls, this gives our patrons a maximum of 40 weeks (i.e., 280 days) with borrowed material.  

Interlibrary Loan BooksTo request a renewal, please contact Interlibrary Loan at least two days prior to the due date.



  • Last Updated Feb 27, 2024
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Kelly Karst

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