Does the Library have the online codes for my textbook?


No, the Library does not purchase and cannot provide access to platforms like Connect or MyMathLab. Those codes are single-use only meaning they can't be loaned out to more than one person. We MAY have the textbooks, just not the online supplements.
If you need access to an online platform you'll either need to purchase it from the BC Bookstore, directly from the publisher, or an online book vendor such as Amazon/Barnes & Noble. You may also want to speak to your Professor to see if there's another way you can complete your assignments.
If you need the password to a website with your course texts created by your professor, please refer to your syllabus to find the password. It may be located under "Required Texts" or within your course schedule next to the reading(s) listed for that day. 


  • Last Updated Feb 27, 2024
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Kelly Karst

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