How do I check out the skeleton bones or the heart anatomy model at the Library?


One of the more unique and exciting resources available at the Library is the life-size skeleton and anatomical heart model. If you're working on a class project or studying anatomy, these items can be incredibly useful.

To check them out, simply visit the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor. Both the skeleton and the heart model are available for a maximum of 2 hours and are intended for in-library use only. 

Please remember that these models are shared resources, so it's important to handle them with care. Follow any specific instructions your professor has provided to ensure you’re using them correctly and treat the models gently so they remain in good condition for the next student. When you’re finished, return them to the Circulation Desk to complete your checkout.

  • Last Updated Sep 26, 2024
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Kelly Karst

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