I am submitting a digital project. What should I include in the Note on Technical Specifications?


This section should provide an introductory note to readers that will serve as a high-level overview of the project’s technical design; it is like a technical abstract. The main abstract for your submission probably focuses on the research question, your methods, and findings. The Note on Technical Specifications is an additional space where you can include details about your technology design that will help readers understand the project at a glance. You should include whatever you feel is useful for understanding the project’s technical infrastructure and how to access and use its varied components. For an application, this might be explaining the technology "stack" and any dependencies (like a readme file).

The Note on Technical Requirements is an explanatory note that goes alongside the Digital Manifest, which is a list of project components. Taken together, they help readers of the manuscript understand your digital work even if they cannot view the project in its native format.

This page has information with sample projects and other standards for digital scholarship: https://libguides.gc.cuny.edu/dissertations/digital-dissertations

  • Last Updated Sep 10, 2024
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Alice Kallman

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