How do I find textbooks or other course reserve materials?


Course reserves refer to textbooks and other materials placed on reserve at the library by a professor for a particular class. Students with a valid DolphinCard or CUNY ID may borrow reserve items to use inside the library for a two-hour period. Reserve items are non-circulating, which means they cannot be taken out of the library. To borrow a reserve item, bring the call number of the item to the Circulation Desk. To find the call number of a reserve item, you can look it up in OneSearchIn the picture below, the Call Numbers are circled in red. 


If the call number doesn't show up for a book and instead the record says "Multiple Versions Available," click on "See All Versions" to find the call numbers of the different editions we have available:

For more information on Call Numbers and Finding Books at CSI, visit the Finding Books with the Library of Congress Classification System Guide

Faculty and students may request that materials used in their courses be placed on Course Reserves and restricted to in library use to ensure that all students have access to these resources. Please use the Print Reserves Request Form to place a textbook request. Faculty are encouraged to place materials on Reserve  prior to the beginning of the semester. Items requested to be placed on Reserve may take up to two weeks or more to be processed from the time of request.

Since the library purchases textbooks from the CSI College bookstore, the bookstore will need to be contacted in addition to the Library. Not having the textbook at the bookstore will delay processing for Course Reserves.   

  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2025
  • Views 1230
  • Answered By Ewa Sukiennik-Maliga

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