How do I cite my sources?


Which Citation Style to Use

Before you begin creating your citation, you need to determine which citation style to use. Different academic disciplines use different citation styles. The three most popular citation styles are MLA, APA, and Chicago. Usually, your professor will specify which citation style they prefer, but there are some general guidelines for which style is most common in certain fields.


Often used for: Art, Literature, and the Humanities

MLA Formatting and Style Guide - Quick reference guide to the MLA style offering examples of common citations.

MLA Handbook - The Modern Language Association, the authority on research and writing, takes a fresh look at documenting sources in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook.

An instructional graphic on how to cite MLA articles


Often used for: Psychology and the Social Sciences

APA Style Guide - Quick reference guide to the APA style offering examples of common citations.

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - The authoritative source for APA citation style and writing guidelines for the Social and Behavioral Sciences.

A guide on how to cite articles using APA


Often used for: History, Humanities, and the Sciences

Chicago Style Guide - Quick reference guide to the Chicago style offering examples of common citations. 

Chicago Manual of Style Online - Chicago Manual of Style Website. Useful video tutorials, forums, and sample citations.

Chicago Manual of Style - The authoritative source for Chicago citation style and writing guidelines used in History and the Humanities.

Graphic on how to cite a journal article Chicago style


The College of Staten Island's Citing Sources Guide goes over style guides, why it is important to use citations, Turnitin, SafeAssign, RefWorks, and Writing Guides.

Citation Tools

Citation tools, or bibliographic citation managers, allow you to collect and store citations for books and articles found in library catalogs and databases. Some citation tools can be integrated with word processing applications (like Microsoft Word) to automatically generate in-text citations and bibliographies in whatever citation format you specify. Citation tools help you better manage your research sources and save you a lot of time when writing your papers.

RefWorks - Web-based bibliographic citation manager that allows researchers to create their own personal database of research references by importing records from library catalogs and online databases. Researchers can organize, store, and access their references from their online RefWorks account as well as automatically generate formatted citations and bibliographies in any style. This is a CSI Library subscription resource. For college login information, contact the Library Reference Desk (718.982.4010) or Naomi Gold (718.982.4097).

Zotero - A free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. Zotero offers an easy way to collect, tag, and share citations simply by clicking a button in your web browser.

KnightCite - KnightCite is a free online citation generator. Simply enter information about the item you want to cite (author, title, publisher, etc.) and KnightCite will automatically generate a properly formatted citation in the style you choose (MLA, APA, or Chicago). Registered users can save and order lists of citations for a bibliography and export them into a Microsoft Word document.

Citation Machine - Citation Machine is free online citation generator. Users can enter information about the source they need to cite (author, title, publisher, etc.) and Citation Machine will automatically generate standard bibliographic and in-text citations in the style of their choice (MLA, APA, Turabian, or Chicago).


  • Last Updated Mar 09, 2023
  • Views 2142
  • Answered By Ewa Sukiennik-Maliga

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