How to request books from other CUNY libraries?


Oftentimes, a book that is not available at the CSI library might be available from other CUNY libraries.

In order to check other CUNY libraries, click on Advanced Search to the right of the search box. Then, using the dropdown option choose "All CUNY."


In order to request a book, you should first login to your library account:

You can log into your library account to view your current loans and due dates, hold requests, and other account information.

To access your account

1. Visit the library homepage ( and click on the OneSearch link.

one search

2. Click the sign-in link in the upper-right corner.

3. This will bring you to the CUNYfirst login page. Your library account ow uses your CUNYfirst login credentials (8/3/20).


4. Once you are signed in, your name should appear in the upper right corner. When you click on that, a dropdown menu will open. You can now check your account status, loans, requests, and other information.



To request a book to be delivered to CSI, you:

  1. Sign into your library account (see instructions above).
  2. Once you've verified that the book is available at another library, click on the locations link:
  3. Select the location you'd like to borrow the book from:
  4. Click on the "deliver to" link:
  5. Click "send request"!
  6. Your book has been requested. You can check on the status of your request by logging into your library account and selecting "my requests" from the dropdown menu. The request will typically take 3-5 business days. You will be notified at the email address listed in your library account.
  • Last Updated Feb 17, 2023
  • Views 481
  • Answered By Ewa Sukiennik-Maliga

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