How do I access Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies?

The Fortunoff Video archive is an invaluable resource. While setup might seem complicated, it takes about 5-10 minutes, and then the archive is yours to use with quick access on or off campus.

All users need to create a free Fortunoff account before they access the testimonies, using any email and password they chose. Both on and off campus, you must be signed into this personal Fortunoff account to use the site. For off campus access, you must ALSO be signed in through your CUNY Login.

Follow the steps below the first time you use the Archive. After that initial usage, just use this link: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, sign in with your CUNY Login if prompted, and then use the blue "Login" button on the Fortunoff site with the personal password and username you have created. Your personal account will not work off campus if you just go directly to the Fortunoff site, you MUST start on the library website or on a special link from your professor and click through one of our links to reach the site. The Fortunoff Archive link is available above, on our homepage database dropdown, or our database A-Z list. 

You may have difficulty browsing in privacy or incognito mode on your browser. If you are having difficulty logging in, just close all windows and start from the CSI Library site again.


How to create your Fortunoff account when you first use the Archive:

***If you are having difficulty with these instructions please watch this great registration tutorial***


  1. Go to our the main Fortunoff Archive site at Click on the blue Login button on the upper right, and then Join Now. The Join Now link is in small text under the sign in button on the pop-up.
  2. Go to your email, open the confirmation email from Aviary, and click on the link. Check your spam or promotions/social tabs if it doesn't come through.
  3. Next find a testimony you want to watch. Return to the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, login if necessary, and then enter a search term, such as a town name, a concentration camp, or a ghetto in the search bar at the top of the page. Click on a testimony in the search results and request access. Follow the instructions when you click on a "padlocked" video. You only need to request access to one testimony to obtain viewing rights for the entire collection. You should receive an approval email a few minutes after you make your request.
  4. Once you get the approval email, you can view testimonies. Just refresh your browser. If you cannot and are off campus, return here or to the library website, log in though your CUNY Login, then login on the Fortunoff site again.



  • Last Updated Nov 17, 2022
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Christine McEvilly

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