How do I get in contact with the CSI Bookstore?


To get in contact with the College of Staten Island's Bookstore, please visit their customer service page or call (800)-679-0672. 

Please note that there is no longer a physical bookstore on the CSI campus and that the CSI bookstore is now being run by a 3rd party online company, Akademos

Also note that the CSI bookstore is in no way related to the CSI Library. The CSI Library does not sell books and is free to use by CUNY students, faculty, and staff. Some books required by courses at CSI may be available at the CSI Library as "Reserve Books," which means that they are available to borrow for two hours at a time. To learn more about finding books at the CSI library, please visit our "Finding Books" Guide.  

  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2025
  • Views 85
  • Answered By Ashley Dirzis

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